On Tuesday September 11, 2012 at precisely 10:15 am I heard the doorbell ring. Can you guess who it was for? You guessed it, me! At the door I was greeted by the mail lady who wanted to hand deliver my mission call. The secret to receiving this V.I.P. service is to continually badger the mail carrier and chase her down the street on occasion. Later that evening with my family, hands trembling, I tore open the white envelope and read:
"Dear Sister Nelson, You are hereby called to serve as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the Utah, Salt Lake City Temple Square Mission. ... You should report to the Provo Missionary Training Centre on January 16."
I was not expecting that. In fact I was dreading it. I was told by a friend to pick the two places I would least like to serve and decide that is where the Lord would send me. This way if I got the less desirables, I would already be content with the call and if I was called else where I would be that more exited. The first was Winnipeg, Manitoba and the second, as you've most likely already figured out, was Salt Lake City Temple Square. However, the moment I read my call my nerves were smoothed over with peace. My Father in Heaven knows me better than I can comprehend. He is aware of my strengths and weaknesses, those of which will benefit the people I encounter. I know that Heavenly Father called me to serve in the Temple Square mission to help myself and others draw nearer to Jesus Christ.
Since that day I have been spending time with family and friends, fixing hem lines, entering the temple, studying the scriptures, and praying like crazy, in particular to get my visa in time to serve. As you may have noticed the word "should" has been underlined in the above paragraph. That I believe was a hidden foreshadowing of what was to come. Until I have a visa I report to the Calgary Alberta Area Mission on January 16. This proves that God answers prayers and he has a subtle sense of humour.
Well from now on my sister Lindsay will be posting my weekly emails and photos. I love you all, and I love my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ with all my heart. And remember it's not goodbye its see ya in 18!
CTR Brother & Sister friends!
Sister Nelson
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