This week flu by! lol literally I got the flu on Friday morning. Mid discussion with an investigator I started feeling icky. For the rest of the day i was in my bed trying to sleep it off. In the afternoon I was woken up to 6 Elders ready to give me a priesthood blessing! I didn't even ask for it, what a blessing! I was blessed that I would heal quickly and learn from this and that I did! after 15 hours of sleep, it was out of my system and I was back to work! Wow, the priesthood power is amazing!
This week has been going by so fast, despite my flu! Last Pday we went curling as a district! I got to meet more Elders and Sisters which was really fun. The next day was my first district meeting. I like them, other than being grilled to get to know me with questions we learned how to teach more effectively especially using members and I got to bear my testimony. The craziest thing happened too, my zone leaders made us meet them at the steak center after our dinner appointments one night, that like never happens unless we need to deliver something or (what I thought was the case we are in trouble lol. Elder Wilde told us they had a interesting dinner appointment. One with a little blue eyed pigged tailed girl who kept on saying "Gickie!" THEY HAD DINNER WITH LINDSAY & KYLE! I was so jealous! they got to see Mayley and everything! They were able to send me things from her though which was lovely.
My favorite scriptures I used in my study this week were D&C 20:77, 79 the sacrament prayer, and Pres. Erying's talk in Gen Conference on "Help them aim High" read them use them love them, I used it in some lessons this week and they are perffff!
I love you all my times up! I'm off to Waterton for Pday with the sisters!
- Sister Nelson XXX and handshakes!
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