Sunday, 23 February 2014

February 10th 2014

Miracle Day for the WIN!!

No pain no gain right? We are frrrrreeezing but we had a neat experience right before debbie's appointment. We were driving to her house and I felt prompted to stop at certain complex of apartments. Sister reed and I felt strongly a miracle was going to be there waiting for us! We prayed that we would be able to have the spirit to help us recognize it and be given the words to say when it did. We knocked the WHOLE thing and nothing! So disappointed we headed back to the car. As we were getting in we heard a young man calling us back saying, "did you know on my door?". We ran back to the door and started teaching him. As we did sister reed connected right away with some of the issues he was currently struggling with and I was prompted to share the account of Jesus praying for the children in 3 Nephi 17. Christian, standing in his shorts and a T-shirt almost freezing to death stayed outside adn talked with us for at least 20 mins. After we said a prayer with him and were about to leave he tld us that he took awhile to get to the door because he was nervous to answer it. When we knocked he had been praying to God that if he really wanted to help him that he would send a miracle to his front door. WOW. We told him of how we ended up knocking on this apartment building. The spirit was very strong as we bore witness to him of his worth and How Heavenly Father really did love him and that's why he sent us, to share with him the restored Gospel! IT was by far one of the coolest experiences I have had while serving. The church is true! Christian is heavily involved with his church right now so we are doing what we can to meet with him and teach him.
Ps Mormon was 10 years old when he was called sober in heart and commissioned to find the plates of Nephi when he turned 24 and at the age of 15 "was visited of the Lord, and tasted and knew of the goodness of Jesus." (Mormon 1:15) If he can do it than we can do it now as 20 year olds! YEEEHAWWW church is true!
 Fun facts:
  •  I have learned to love salads so much that i have 1 or 2 everyday!!!! I even crave them!
  • It was colder in Wisconsin than the arctic a couple of weeks ago!
  • We found a bird while tracting that was sitting in our path not moving. We thought it was injured and were worried for it. As we tried to pick it up to move it out of the snow and to a warmer place it just flew away. It was bazaar and we know that there is someone on the planet lazier than me! haah

Love you fam and friends!

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